Causeway Trophy, This Saturday 5th October, Tarbert
After a gap of two years, the Berneray Causeway Trophy returns to Tarbert this Saturday. This competition will give youth players from both Lewis and Harris the opportunity to represent…
Official Website | Lewis Shinty Club
After a gap of two years, the Berneray Causeway Trophy returns to Tarbert this Saturday. This competition will give youth players from both Lewis and Harris the opportunity to represent…
Tha ceann-là ann airson coinneamh coithcheann bliadhnail Camanachd Leòdhais. Thèid an coinneamh a chumail aig Bun-sgoil Steòrnabhaigh aig 7f Diciadain 30mh den Damhair 2013. Thèid fàilte a chur air duine…
There will be a club committee meeting at Stornoway Primary at 7pm on Wednesday 25th September. Please send agenda items to Andrew MacAskill. A date for the Club AGM will…
Camanachd Cup Eve and Gary Innes and friends will be hosting a tribute to those shinty heroes of the World Wars who fought and died, and those who survived but…
For a bit of fun after three full league seasons, and around only 18 friendly/cup/challenge matches between 2007-2010 (sixes tournaments not counted, but incredible to think we played more shinty…
The Bught Park has been the scene of several classic Camanachd Cup and MacTavish Finals, but the two bottom teams in North Shinty served up a game which was full…