There was a great deal of heartbreak in April with the first team falling short to last minute defeat against Inverness in the league (2-1 goal by Dougie Shaw) and then the next week in extra-time in the cup (Gomez and Will grabbing our goals). Sadly the cup hoo-doo remains in place. This was preceded by a 5-0 defeat away to Strathspey.
Lochcarron away was called off due to Battery Park being unplayable and with no other fixture scheduled, our next game is our first home game of the season against Caberfeidh on 6th May. This will be an appropriate time in our 10th Anniversary season for our youth players to be playing for the inaugural Dr Barden trophy. More info to follow. Thanks also to Katie Drain, Camanachd Association Development Officer for visiting last week. Much appreciated.
Best of luck to our players involved in exams in the coming month, but remember the benefits that playing shinty can have in terms of helping you relax and stay in balance during this time. See this article for further details.
Thanks to Iain Cochrane for the photos from Inverness.