
Tha brosnachadh na Gàidhlig ann am bun-stèidh Chamanachd Leòdhais. Tha cleachdadh agus ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig gam brosnachadh do chluicheadairean agus do bhuill, air a’ phàirc agus far na pàirce. Seo dhuibh beagan abairtean feumail do chluicheadairean, coidsichean agus luchd-taic.

Tha misneachd nar dualchas is nar cànan a’ toirt dhuinn pròis nar sgioba agus nar n-eileanan fhèin.

Camanachd Leòdhais has the promotion of the Gaelic language included in its constitution. Its use and acquisition is encouraged by all players and members, both on and off the park. Here are some useful phrases for players, coaches and supporters.

Confidence in our culture and language breeds pride in the team and in the islands we represent.

Faclair – Camanachd Leòdhais


By eoghan

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