Iomain Challainn 2024
We kicked off the new year on Saturday 6th January with our traditional lomain Challainn game. Club chieftain lain ‘Diablo’ Sinclair officiated two 9-sided teams in an entertaining seventy minute…
Official Website | Lewis Shinty Club
We kicked off the new year on Saturday 6th January with our traditional lomain Challainn game. Club chieftain lain ‘Diablo’ Sinclair officiated two 9-sided teams in an entertaining seventy minute…
Meal a naidheachd air Lucy NicLeòid (àireamh a 6) a chluich do dh’Alba aig Iomain Cholmcille, fèis eadar-nàiseanta na h-iomain do luchd na Gàidhlig is na Gaeilge ann am Béal…
After the special occasion of the Iolaire game for the last Iomain Challainn, normal service was resumed for 2020 with two sides picked by senior players Paul Duke and Stuart…
A very special Iomain Challainn at Bayhead on January 1 2019 marked Camanachd Leòdhais’ contribution to the Iolaire Commemorations, marking 100 years since the tragedy that had such an indelible…
The club marked the turn of the New Year in the traditional style by having a ten-a-side match on the 9th of January at Smith Avenue Astro. It was however,…
LEWIS BLUES 5 (D.Macintyre, D.Lamont 4) V LEWIS REDS 4 ( A.Reed 3, R.Macmillan) Camanachd Leodhais celebrated the New Year in traditional style with the annual Iomain Challainn intra squad…
Tha gach duine aig Camanachd Leòdhais a’ guidhe gach sonas dhar luchd-leantainn dìleas airson na Nollaige agus na Bliadhn’ Ùire. Tha sinn a’ còmharrachadh deich bliadhna mar chomann am-bliadhna agus…
Chaidh Camanachd Leòdhais ath-stèidheachadh às ùr Diardaoin, an t-seachdamh là den Dubhlachd 2006. Chaidh a’ chiad choinneamh a chumail anns an t-seòmar-teagaisg Ghàidhlig anns an t-seann phrìomh thogalach aig Sgoil MhicNeacail.…
After the excitement of the youth game between Lochs and the Rest of the World, there was an entertaining battle between two sides picked and managed by Will Church and…
Players, officials and supporters of Camanachd Leodhais gathered at Stornoway Golf Club on Saturday 2nd January for the club’s annual awards dinner. The dinner was held after an entertaining Iomain…