AGM – New Committee and Management Team for 2014 appointed
After last night’s AGM held in Stornoway Primary, the make up of the committee and the management team for both senior and youth is now known. Committee Chieftain – David…
Official Website | Lewis Shinty Club
After last night’s AGM held in Stornoway Primary, the make up of the committee and the management team for both senior and youth is now known. Committee Chieftain – David…
A very useful course coming up next week. Please also remember AGM tomorrow night, 7PM. The Lewis and Harris Sports Council are working in partnership with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar…
A reminder that the Coinneamh Coitcheann Bliadhnail/Annual General Meeting of Camanachd Leodhais will be held at Stornoway Primary School at 7pm on Wednesday 30th October. All are welcome to attend. As usual,…
Camanachd Leodhais – Dubh is Gorm was replayed last night on BBC Alba – You can catch it until the 29th October on the iPlayer. It’s vital watching!
Meal an naidheachd air Aonghas MacLaomainn, Alasdair MacLaomainn, Seumas Mac a’ Chatharnnais agus Pàdraig Mac na Ceardaich air a’ chiad ghairm aca gu sguad Gàidhlig na h-Alba airson Iomain Cholmcille…
Congratulations to Uist on lifting the Causeway Shield on Saturday in Tarbert. It was decent run out for both Lewis and Harris youngsters in some competitive shinty. Uist have had…
After a gap of two years, the Berneray Causeway Trophy returns to Tarbert this Saturday. This competition will give youth players from both Lewis and Harris the opportunity to represent…
Tha ceann-là ann airson coinneamh coithcheann bliadhnail Camanachd Leòdhais. Thèid an coinneamh a chumail aig Bun-sgoil Steòrnabhaigh aig 7f Diciadain 30mh den Damhair 2013. Thèid fàilte a chur air duine…
There will be a club committee meeting at Stornoway Primary at 7pm on Wednesday 25th September. Please send agenda items to Andrew MacAskill. A date for the Club AGM will…
Camanachd Cup Eve and Gary Innes and friends will be hosting a tribute to those shinty heroes of the World Wars who fought and died, and those who survived but…