Minch Cup – Lochbroom 3 – Lewis 2 AET
Congratulations to Lochbroom on winning the Cuach a’ Chuain Sgìth on Saturday. For the first time in the history of the fixtu the match went to extra time. Lewis went…
Official Website | Lewis Shinty Club
Congratulations to Lochbroom on winning the Cuach a’ Chuain Sgìth on Saturday. For the first time in the history of the fixtu the match went to extra time. Lewis went…
https://www.camanachdleodhais.com/fixtures-results/fixtures-and-results-2013/ The Camanachd Association have released the fixtures for the 2013 season and they can be found at the above link. These are subject to change as the season goes…
Paul Duke has been named Camanachd Leòdhais club captain for the 2013 season ahead of the Cuach a’ Chuain Sgìth fixture. Paul brings a lot of experience as a former…
Bidh Camanachd Leòdhais a’ cluich a’ chiad gheam den bhliadhna Disathairne 9mh den Ghearran an aghaidh Loch Bhraoin aig Inbhir Lathail faisg air Ulapul. Bidh an geam a’ tòiseachadh aig…
To mark the start of the 2013 season, the club has moved to the twittersphere to augment our successful facebook page and of course this fabulous website. Follow us @lewiscamanachd.
Outdoor Fitness Training and Stickwork is Saturdays 1-3pm. Usual venue is Stornoway Primary but please check facebook group for updates. Circuits for Fitness is Thursday 7-8pm at the Sports Centre.…
Glè Mhàth Were The Boys! Tha Iain “Diablo” Mac na Ceardaich air ainmeachadh mar mhanaidsear Camanachd Leòdhais airson seusan 2013. Bha Iain roimhe na chathraiche air a’ chomann ach le…
There is a committee meeting in Stornoway Primary this Wednesday 16th January at 7pm. This will clarify the management structure for the 2013 season as well as our preseason and…
Here is Diablo’s report of the day’s play at the Iomain Challainn. A great turnout and a great game with some off the island and some injured, it’s been a…
Under 25s V Over 25s An geam traidiseanta a’ comharrachadh fhreumhan ceilteach an spòrs. Bayhead Pitches, Stornoway, Hogmanay, 1pm. Under 25s managed by Andrew Murray MacDonald Over 25s managed by…