Training – Pre-season
Here are the latest updates for training: Lewis and Harris Players: Circuit Training 7pm-8pm @ ISL Sports Centre EVERY Thursday. Shinty Training 11am-1pm EVERY Saturday @ Sty Primary (unless we…
Official Website | Lewis Shinty Club
Here are the latest updates for training: Lewis and Harris Players: Circuit Training 7pm-8pm @ ISL Sports Centre EVERY Thursday. Shinty Training 11am-1pm EVERY Saturday @ Sty Primary (unless we…
Committee Meeting Tuesday 17th January, Stornoway Primary School, 7pm All players wishing to be selected this year should continue to attend training in Stornoway or Glasgow and also be working…
Saturday saw another great game of “Iomain Challainn”. Despite the weather, 17 players turned up with the juniors being especially well represented. Teams were picked between Daniel “Gaga” Gallagher and…
Captain’s Select (Scott) V Vice-Captain’s Select (Gaga) Celebrate the New Year with the traditional Iomain Challain. Bayhead Pitches, Stornoway, 12 Noon, 31st December. All welcome, everyone wishing to play should…
Paul Duke has been voted the Camanachd Leòdhais’ Senior Player of the Year at the Club’s 2011 Dinner Dance. Paul is currently player-manager of Lewis and has been a key…
Al Reed was voted Camanachd Leòdhais Junior Player of the Year for 2011 at the Club’s Dinner Dance. Al has become the most established of the younger players coming…
Nollaig shona chridheil dhuibh uile bho na cluicheadairean agus a’ chomataidh aig Comann Camanachd Leodhais airson 2011. A very merry Christmas to you all from the players and committee of…
Tha comataidh Chamanachd Leodhais air leth toilichte a radh gun d’ fhuair sinn naidheachd a-nochd bho Chomann na Camanachd a’ dearbhadh gun tug iad cead dhuinn a chluich ann an…
Although the honours for the evening at the Sunday Mail/Sportscotland Scottish Sports Awards went to Newarthill Amateur Boxing and Fitness Club as Local Club of the Year, Lewis Camanachd turned… Good luck to Paul, Kenny, Donald, Micheal and Scott tonight at the Sunday Mail Sportscotland Scottish Sports Awards 2011 where we are nominated in the Local Club of…