Thèid Coinneamh Coitcheann Bliadhnail Camanachd Leòdhais a chumail Diluain 27mh den t-Samhain 2023 aig Oifisean BBC Alba air Rathad Shìophoirt ag 7f. Faodar tighinn ann air loidhne cuideachd.
The Annual General Meeting of Camanachd Leòdhais will be held on Monday 27th November 2023 at the BBC Alba Offices on Seaforth Road at 7pm. Attendance is also possible on-line.
Anyone with an interest in the club is invited to attedn. If you would like to express your interest in attedning, either online or in person and are not currently a club member, please get in touch and we can provide details on how to attend – contact the club facebook page or lewiscamanachd[at]
All current members will be provided with the details nearer the time.