
Thèid Coinneamh Coitcheann Bliadhnail Chomann Camanachd Leòdhais a chumail aig seachd uairean feasgar, Diluain 9mh an t-Samhain air-loidhne, ri linn suidheachadh na slàinte aig a’ cheangal a tha seo.

Thèid na h-oifigearan airson comataidh 2021 a thaghadh aig a’ choinneamh. Tha sinn a’ sìreadh bhuill ùra cuideachd ’s feum mòr orra. Bidh fàilte ro dhuine sam bith le ùidh ann an spòrs nan Gàidheal anns na h-Eileanan Siar.

Cuir molaidhean agus tagraidhean dhan Rùnaire, Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, ro-làimhe aig donaldarchibald87{at}gmail.com

The Annual General Meeting of Comann Camanachd Leòdhais will be held at 7pm on Monday 9th November on-line, due to the on-going public health situation, at the following link.

The office bearers for the 2021 committee will be chosen at the meeting. We are also actively seeking new ordinary committee members. We welcome anybody with an interest in the sport of the Gael in the Western Isles.

Please send any proposals or applications to the Secretary, Donald Lamont, beforehand at donaldarchibald87{at}gmail.com

Suas leis an Dubh is Gorm

By eoghan

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