Bidh Camanachd Leòdhais a’ cluich a’ chiad gheam den bhliadhna Disathairne 9mh den Ghearran an aghaidh Loch Bhraoin aig Inbhir Lathail faisg air Ulapul. Bidh an geam a’ tòiseachadh aig 1f.
Camanachd Leòdhais play the first game of the year, the Minch Cup V Lochbroom, this Saturday 9th February at Inverlael, Ullapool. The game starts at 1pm.
The Cuach a’ Chuain Sgìth has played an important role in the history of Camanachd Leòdhais. The newly re-constituted Camanachd Leòdhais put forward the cup for competition between Lewis and the then recently reformed Lochbroom who had entered the leagues in 2005.
The first match, played at Morefield, Ullapool was the first ever game played by a senior team from the Isle of Lewis. Broom won that game 7-0, although it was only 1-0 at halftime. It was Lewis’ first taste of real shinty action and was the catalyst for the many adventures that the club has had since foundation. The voyage back was considered to be the quintessential return trip and even if you’re not playing it’s worth it for a day trip!
The cup has been played for ever since, with a break in 2010 due to bad weather and difficulty arranging another date, and in 2012 due to its proximity to the league fixture. However, the clubs have met 4 times in league competition since 2011 as well and it was indeed appropriate that Lochbroom were the first ever team to make the trip to play Lewis on home soil in May 2011.
Camanachd Leòdhais have a great debt to Lochbroom for the use of Inverlael for our cup fixtures between 2007 and 2010 and we look forward to renewing both our friendship and our rivalry this Saturday.
There will be updates on twitter @lewiscamanachd.
Minch Cup Results
2007 Lochbroom 7 Lewis 0
2008 Lochbroom 4 Lewis 2
2009 Lochbroom 5 Lewis 0
2010 Not Played
2011 Lochbroom 6 Lewis 0
2012 Not Played
League Results
2011 CL 1 LB 7, LB 2 CL 1
2012 LB 4 CL 2, CL 0 LB 2