Duais Triath nan Eilean – the Lord of the Isles Trophy was held for the second year in a row on Saturday 18th of May at Shawbost. Organised by Annette Murray, this was played in fine weather before the visit of Glengarry for the Single Club Cup.

For the second year in a row, it was only two teams from Lewis who competed for this unique trophy, a wooden rose bowl, donated by King Charles III, when he was Lord of the Isles in 1997. The trophy was abandoned in Sgoil Lionacleit for many years, after being won by Uist at the 2005 Mòd nan Eilean Siar. It was repatriated to Lewis by Boyd MacKenzie in 2018, but was not reintroduced for competition until 2023 and the coronation of King Charles, where it was played in Stornoway.

For the first running of the competition on the West Side, the game was an entertaining one between Lewis A and Lewis B. Lewis A were resplendent in yellow strips as they overcame Lewis B playing in the blue and black strips. Both strips are sponsored by Lewis Wind Power. Seumas Duke was the winning captain of Lewis A and he received the wooden rose bowl from first team manager Duncan MacIntyre.

Although there was an open invite for teams from Harris, Uist and Barra to compete, no other teams attended on this occasion due to lack of junior shinty training happening, but it is hoped that in future teams from the Southern Isles will join the youngsters currently being trained by Donnie, Scott and Paddy in Harris at future LOTIs. The competition has historically been open to any youth teams from the traditional areas that formed the Lordship of the Isles, so if any teams would like to compete in future, please contact the club to be notified about future runnings.

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