Bidh sinn a’ cluich Loch Carrainn ann an Siabost Disathairne-sa tighinn. ‘Se atharrachadh a tha seo bhon chlar a bha ann roimhe. Bha sinn gu bhith gan cluiche aig an taigh an ath mhios.
We will be playing Lochcarron in Shawbost this Saturday. This is a change from the previous fixtures list that was in existence before. We were to be playing them at home next month.
Come along and give your support.
Toiseachadh/Throw-up @ 3pm
Great to see the youngsters being given a game today and stepping up to the plate in the absence of some of the seniors. They didn’t let their more experienced opponents intimdate them either- bodes well for feeding in to the senior team in the future!