Tha gach duine aig Camanachd Leòdhais a’ guidhe gach sonas dhar luchd-leantainn dìleas airson na Nollaige agus na Bliadhn’ Ùire. Tha sinn a’ còmharrachadh deich bliadhna mar chomann am-bliadhna agus bidh sinn a’ tòiseachadh chùisean leis an Iomain Challainn air an dara lath den Fhaoilleach.
Everyone at Camanachd Leòdhais wishes every happiness to our loyal supporters for Christmas and the New Year. We are marking ten years as a club this year and we will be starting our 2017 season with the Iomain Challainn on the 2nd of January.
This year’s event, in the traditional Celtic tradition of New Year shinty, will be held at Smith Avenue AWP and will run from 11 to 2. We will have a youth game and then the senior game. The annual awards ceremony will be held in the evening at the Golf Club.
You can join the event via facebook here
Here are some photos from previous years’ games.