The West’s Awake, Stornoway’s Awake!
Tha comataidh Chamanachd Leodhais air leth toilichte a radh gun d’ fhuair sinn naidheachd a-nochd bho Chomann na Camanachd a’ dearbhadh gun tug iad cead dhuinn a chluich ann an…
Walt a night!
Although the honours for the evening at the Sunday Mail/Sportscotland Scottish Sports Awards went to Newarthill Amateur Boxing and Fitness Club as Local Club of the Year, Lewis Camanachd turned…
Gur math thèid leinn! Good luck to Paul, Kenny, Donald, Micheal and Scott tonight at the Sunday Mail Sportscotland Scottish Sports Awards 2011 where we are nominated in the Local Club of…
D-DAY on the horizon.
Wednesday 7th December That’s the day the Board of Directors will meet to decide whether we should be retained in the league We have done everything we possibly can and…
Scottish Sports Awards 2011
The club are delighted to announce that we have been nominated for a Sunday Mail/SportScotland Scottish Sports Award 2011. We have been nominated in the category of Local Club of…
Lewis Camanachd: Black and Blue – Premiere Monday 7th November BBC ALBA 9PM
Here is the blurb for our documentary which will be broadcast on BBC Alba next Monday (9pm) and Tuesday (10pm) as well as being on the iPlayer hopefully! Tha sgioba…
Marine Harvest Fair Play Award Winners 2011
Diablo and Eoghan receive the Fair Play Award from Alan Sutherland, MD of Marine Harvest at the Marine Harvest Shinty Awards in Inverness. “Bu thoigh leam taing a thoirt dhan…
MOD Cup 2011 Champions!
Lewis emerged worthy victors in todays MOD Cup with a score of 2-0. The Lewis side were unlucky not to have made it 3-0 with a Donald Lamont penalty being…
AGM Update
There will be further info to follow, but as of tonight’s AGM (Thursday 6th October) the Camanachd Leodhais committee for 2012 will be as follows: Chieftain – Annette Murray Chair…
This year’s AGM will be held at Stornoway Primary School from 7pm on Thursday 6th October – All players and members, senior and junior are invited to have their say…