HebCelt Champions 2011
Congratulations to the boys who retained the HebCelt Cup after a hard fought but well earned 3-2 victory against Uist. Kenny, Donald and Scott scored cracking goals at important times…
HebCelt Cup – 1.30PM, SATURDAY 16th JULY, BAYHEAD
Shinty returns to the heart of Stornoway this Saturday with the 2011 edition of the Hebridean Celtic Festival Inter-Island Shinty Challlenge – as always between Lewis and Uist. The game…
So, two games in early July – one against Aberdeen Uni where we lost 4-0 at Lochbroom – big Kenny “Barlow” MacLeod was the difference and as he is outscoring…
De tha dol?
Loads of shinty recently. Beauly came over to Shawbost on the 18th and a very young Lewis team made them work hard for a 4-0 win. http://www.flickr.com/photos/coinneach_murray/ (Photos available here)…
Lewis 3 – 1 Ardnamurchan
http://www.shinty.com/leagues/marine-harvest-north-division-3/ Camanachd Leodhais 3 – 1 Camanachd Ard na Murchan The sun shone on the pitch at Sgoil Shiabost as Camanachd Leodhais celebrated their first victory in Marine Harvest North…
Lewis 1 – Boleskine 7
Camanachd Leòdhais reached the half-way point of their first season in league shinty on Saturday 4th June. However, they were unable to celebrate this milestone with a win, losing 7-1…
Cupa a’ Mhòid 2011
Tha an Comunn Gàidhealach air là ainmeachadh airson Cupa a’ Mhòid am-bliadhna nuair a thilleas am Mòd dha na h-Eileanan an Iar airson a’ chiad uair bho 2005. Thèid an…
Lochcarron (Home) 28th May – 3PM
Bidh sinn a’ cluich Loch Carrainn ann an Siabost Disathairne-sa tighinn. ‘Se atharrachadh a tha seo bhon chlar a bha ann roimhe. Bha sinn gu bhith gan cluiche aig an…
Ardnamurchan Game Postponed
This Saturday’s game against Ardnamurchan at Shawbost has been postponed. More info to follow. The club will also not be attending this round of the Development League. All Players who…
Failte dhan Larach-lin Ur
As deidh 1418 seallaidhean, tha sinn air gluasad bho spanglefish gu wordpress agus tha sinn an dochas gun cord an larach-lin ur dhuibh. After 1418 views, we’ve moved from spanglefish…