Lochcarrainn ga chur dheth
Cha bhi geam ann an LochCarrainn a-maireach – cha ghabh cluich air a’ phairc – cus uisge. The first Ross-shire derby of the season is off – Wet Pitch in…
First League Match – Beauly
Beauly 5 Lewis 1 David Groat 59 Calum Stamper 1 Calum Forbes 66,68 Calum Morrison 70 Conor Cormack 90 Referee Charles Young Click on Link for Photos by Neil G Paterson…
Scotland on Sunday Article
Big article by Kenneth Stephen in the SoS on 27 Feb (who owed us big time after describing the gubbing against Skye as if it was the most incredible shinty result…
Lochbroom lift Minch Cup
Lochbroom Camanachd 6 Camanachd Leodhais 0 It has been two seasons since Lewis Camanachd have competed with Lochbroom Camanachd for the Minch Cup.Saturday’s challenge match saw Lochbroom retain the cup…
THE WEST IS AWAKE!! I am pleased to inform you that Lewis Camanachd’s entry into Marine Harvest North League Division 3 was confirmed at the meeting of the Camanachd Association…
An Open Letter to the Camanachd Association
31 January 2011 – An Open Letter to the Board of Directors A Chairdean Chòir, Entry of Camanachd Leòdhais to North Division Three We are writing to you in relation…
Progress – but final decision still to be made
Camanachd Leòdhais welcomes the Camanachd Association’s announcement that it will decide upon ratification of the club’s entry into North Division Three for the 2011 season at their board meeting on…
Official Statement from the Committee of Camanachd Leodhais
Camanachd Leòdhais would like to intimate that we have applied for and intend to take up a place in Marine Harvest North Division Three for 2011. The club sees this…
Senior Training
Outdoor training for the 2011 season will start this Saturday (15th Jan) at Stornoway Primary’s park from 11am till 1pm all Lewis based players should be attending. A midweek Indoor…
Bliadhna Mhath Ur
Bliadhna Mhath Ur dhan a h-uile duine bho Chamanachd Leodhais. We all know 2011 holds great promise for the club but lets just say the night out was in Seany…