Poloshirts, Night out and New Year
Poloshirts have arrived and look awesome! Sean has planned the Club Christmas Night Out for the 30th of December meeting at McNeills at 8! A good opportunity to get everyone together!…
Tobar an Dulchais
Anybody with an interest in the history of shinty in Lewis should listen to the following links which feature recordings of Neil Ferguson and the late Dr. Alasdair Barden speaking…
Big Bad Ron!
Ronald Ross and Graham Cormack’s big trip to the Western Isles was a massive success with cracking turnouts at all the sessions in Stornoway, including the senior one at night…
Ronald Ross to visit Stornoway 10 November
The legendary Ronald Ross will be visiting Stornoway on Wednesday the 10th of November alongside CA performance manager Graham Cormack. They will spend the afternoon training the kids at the Primary School/Nicolson…
Andrew Macaskill – New Secretary
Andrew MacAskill has been appointed the new secretary of Camanachd Leodhais at the recent committee meeting due to Marie MacKay having to move to Glasgow. More to follow.
HebCelt Champions 2010
Sorry it’s taken so long to get a report of this up! Safe to say it was a highly enjoyable day for all involved after the game anyway as all…
Minutes will be posted up at some point – once Jordan’s “wit” has been examined (and probably excised). This is how the committee will now look for 2010-2011 Chieftain…
Hebcelt Victory!
More info to follow Top performance yesterday by all! We beat Uist 4-1! Then we went to Runrig! Thanks to the Hebcelt!
Stornoway Sixes Results
As Seany Gob would say; “EPIC BANTORRRRR” was had by all at Stornoway Primary School on Saturday 3 July. 6 Teams competed. Lewis A, Lewis B, Skye A, Skye B, Lochcarron…
Dukey on Aithris na Maidne
Until 6th June Listen to Dukey on BBC Radio nan Gaidheal round about the 1 hour 25 mark gabbing about the sixes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00stptd External Link